Games User Research:
Biometrics in Player Testing
Platforms: Unity, Arduino
This project looks at the use of Biometric Technology in the field of Games User Research (GUR). It focuses on the process of how this technology is used in testing and whether or not it is useful for gaining insight into player experience.
A method adopted within the field is to take this data and cross reference it with industry standard techniques like interviews and questionnaires.
This project replicates the process in an effort to identify limitations with the methodology, whilst also trying to produce results that show a consistent correlation between different data sources. The two forms of data collected for this were heart rate (HR) and galvanic skin response (GSR) data.
Quantitative Interviews (iGEQ)
Arduino Programming
Analysing Data
To gather heart rate and galvanic skin response data, I used an Arduino Uno with Arduino's IDE. This data was collected during play sessions of different games and then sent to Unity, where it was collated into Biometric Storyboards.
These storyboards were the main figures used to analyse the results and were evaluated alongside the quantitative data from the In-Game Experience Questionnaires (iGEQ) in the form of a final report.